the platform for SaaS automation.
SaaS.fabric™ is a cutting-edge service grid that provides end-to-end automation for SaaS delivery and fulfilment in-a-box.
SaaS.fabric™ engages initially heterogeneous SaaS-ready™ containerized software and ultimately delivers SaaS products to tenants. it provides the required set of business & operational support services for the automation of SaaS lifecycle management, and is organized in two functional axes:
  • SaaS.enabled™ functionalities such as resources bundling, product definition, order capturing, service consuming
  • SaaS.managed™ functionalities such as tenants & resources provisioning, data usage gathering and metering, service monitoring, usage mediation & rating
designed based on eTOM© framework, it integrates easily with existing BSS-OSS assemblies. its infrastructure gateway, implemented based on Kubernetes, allows interfacing with almost any known platform.
service provider (SP)
if you are a service provider and you want to automate your SaaS delivery by providing heterogeneous software bundling to your customer base and create new, alternative revenue streams.
SaaS.fabric™ can offer you:
  • agile, time-to-market software services
  • end-to-end service support automation via SaaS.enabled™ and SaaS.managed™ functionalities
  • a single integration interface between software and support services automation
  • an agnostic layer for the transparent integration of computing resources into the SaaS delivery model
system integrator (SI)
if you are a system integrator and you are looking to expand your business activities by participating and delivering SaaS-driven projects.
SaaS.fabric™ can offer you:
  • pre-built technology to deliver SaaS driven projects
  • less probability of failure during project implementation
  • minimized integration costs with existing infrastructure, e.g. BSS-OSS assembly
SaaS.fabric™ @work
SaaS.fabric™ consists of 4 functional areas™
  1. software vendor engages SaaS-ready software to Saas.fabric™ repository. If the software is not SaaS-ready™, petranna™ services could be used to SaaS.ify it
  2. SaaS.fabric™ extracts software metadata and transforms them to resources™
  1. service provider publishes products as offers
  2. registered tenant picks up and orders offers
  3. Saas.fabric™ activates tenant, it captures the order and it provisions the service resources™
  1. service provider bundles resources as services
  2. service provider combines services & tariffs to products™
  1. authorized tenant's user consumes services
  2. tenant admin manages domain profile

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